
So as much as I love everything in the new update ever since it came out I've had nothing but problems, completely de-motivated to play as these issues are destroying my rank and i was wondering if anybody else is experiencing the same thing.
I've always had a good connection to RL servers and rarely experienced lag, but since this latest update I get massive frame drops and freezes in the menu and in game I get poor connection even with good ping (under 30) and even input delay from my controller. Which I have never had before and I have tested my own connection and hardware on different games and everything is fine so is anybody else getting this or is it just a problem on my end?

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

https://www.psyonix.com/forum/viewtopic … p;p=356472
Animated Infographic Maker

Thank you.